yy777ph| The Nasdaq ETF's net financing purchase volume reached 44.0448 million yuan last week, showing significant financing activities

editor2024-05-27 09:30:2516Business

News summary

The Nasdaq ETF's net financing purchase volume reached 4,404 last weekyy777ph.480,000 yuanyy777ph, ranked 55th in the two cities, with financing purchases of 8yy777ph.40 billion yuan, with a repayment amount of 796 million yuan.

Newsletter text

Data on May 27 showed that the Nasdaq ETF achieved a net financing purchase of 44.0448 million yuan last week, ranking 55th in the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets. Last week, the ETFyy777phThe financing purchase amount reached 840 million yuan, while the repayment amount was 796 million yuan.

yy777ph| The Nasdaq ETF's net financing purchase volume reached 44.0448 million yuan last week, showing significant financing activities

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