rollingthunderarcade| Bird shares: It is planned to buy back the company's shares by RMB 40 million to RMB 80 million

editor2024-05-27 17:51:4919Business

News summary

[Bird Shares: Plans to buy back the company's shares by RMB 40 million to RMB 80 million] Securities Times e Company Newsrollingthunderarcade, Bird Bird Shares (600130) announced on the evening of May 27 that it plans to repurchase the company's shares from RMB 40 million to RMB 80 million at a repurchase price of no more than RMB 5/share (inclusive). The repurchased shares will be used to reduce registrations.rollingthunderarcade...

rollingthunderarcade| Bird shares: It is planned to buy back the company's shares by RMB 40 million to RMB 80 million

Newsletter text

[Bird Shares: Plans to buy back the company's shares by RMB 40 million to RMB 80 million] Securities Times e Company News, Bird Shares (600130) announced on the evening of May 27 that it plans to buy back the company's shares by RMB 40 million to RMB 80 million. The repurchase price will not exceed RMB 5/share (inclusive), and the repurchased shares will be used to reduce the registered capital.

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